
Miguel de Salas mm_de at
Sun Nov 1 18:33:49 EST 1998

In article <363B1090.31E7 at>, paulcher at CONCENTRIC.NET wrote:

> Neil Jones wrote:
> > Concentrating on the amount that it would take to kill misses one important
> > point. Under health effects is listed Cholinesterase inhibition.
> > One possible effect of cholinesterase inhibition is depression.
> Insecticide (and pharmaceutical) companies spend millions of dollars
> establishing health information such as the "No Effect Level" of
> chemical exposure. Then they establish application and esposure rates
> far below this level in order to build in a huge safety factor that
> takes into account how different people may respond differently to
> exposure.
> In the case of Vapona, the application rate specified on the label is
> 100 times below the established No Effect Level (in regard to
> cholinesterase inhibition). In plain english, cholinesterase inhibition
> will not occur unless people are exposed to large, continual, illegal 
> overdoses of the chemical.

Aren't we also missing the point that we would be exposed to this
concentration only if we were using the strips as indicated, ie. hanging
around the room, when in fact we have them inside relatively airtight,
closed boxes?
The amount of exposure would be many times smaller than the concentration
these strips are designed to be used at, and thus even less dangerous, if
they're dangerous at all.

I myself believe it's far more dangerous to sit in front of the computer
and write this message down.

Miguel de Salas,

mm_de at

School of Pland Science
University of Tasmania, Australia

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