Hyphantria cunea host preferences

Gary Anweiler gganweiler at sprint.ca
Wed Nov 4 19:40:49 EST 1998

The F.I.S. (Forest Insect Survey) conducted by Canada Dept. of Agriculture
in the 50's lists some thousands of collections from the wild from a
variety of deciduous hosts - the most frequent being White birch (466), Pin
Cherry (280), willow (258), White elm (201) Choke cherry (164), speckled
Albder (142) apple (120) and so on - some  46 species of deciduous tree and
shrub hosts in all.  (Forest Lepidoptera of Canada - Recorded by the Forest
Insect Survey.  Vol. 1.  Papilionidae to Arctiidae.  Compiled by B.M.
McGugan.  Forest Biology Div., Canada Dept. of Agriculture.  Pub. # 1034
October, 1958)  I know this has been out of print for some time, but
Interlibray loans can get a copy - or e-mail me and I will scan and
foreward the relevant page(s).

Gary Anweiler, Edmonton AB  or  gganweiler at sprint.ca

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