Hostplants database

Miguel de Salas mm_de at
Thu Nov 5 17:50:27 EST 1998

In article <b2679c5805021004db37@[]>,
dyanega at wrote:

> James wrote:
> >
> >Niklas Wahlberg wrote:
> >> . . . I've submitted several records, but
> >> they never appear in the searches I've made.
> >
> >I do a significant amount of rearing, and have tried sending records
> >in, but stopped doing so for the very reason Niklas mentions above.
> Me three. How frustrating to have such a wonderful resource that doesn't
> work the way it should.
Well, I have submitted several records as well that didn't appear, but I
was waiting because it says on their page that they wait to process many
records at a time. However, you may be right, because I have seen new
records appear, while mine have not.

It might be a question of expressing our doubts as a group, and they might
do something, or give an explanation of what happens.


Miguel de Salas,

mm_de at

School of Pland Science
University of Tasmania, Australia

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