synthetic hostplant

Thomas, Tony tthomas at
Mon Nov 16 07:23:38 EST 1998

Hi Jay and Esther (and Bill):
	There are still some of us out here!

Wesson's Salt: in %

Calcium carbonate 			21%
Copper Sulphate (5H20) 			0.039%
Ferric phosphate			1.47%
Manganous sulfate (anhydryous)		0.02%
Magnesium sulfate (anhydrous)		9%
Potassium aluminum sulfate		0.009%
Potassium chloride			12%
Potassium dihydrogen phospahte	31%
Potassium iodide			0.005%
Sodium chloride				10.5%
Sodium flouride				0.057%
Tricalcium phosphate			14.9%

As another 'lepslister' commented, probably best to try BioServe; this
company sells artificvial diets and their components.


Dr. A.W. Thomas
Research Scientist
Canadian Forest Service - Atlantic Forestry Centre
Natural Resources Canada
PO Box 4000, Stn. A
Fredericton, NB
E3B 5P7

 e-mail: tthomas at
'phone (506) 452-3523
FAX (506) 452-3525

Giant Silkmoth website:

Illustrated Checklist of Fundy National Park Moths website:

> ----------
> From: 	JayAndEstherC at[SMTP:JayAndEstherC at]
> Reply To: 	JayAndEstherC at
> Sent: 	Sunday, November 15, 1998 3:36 PM
> To: 	leps-l at
> Subject: 	synthetic hostplant
> Hi: 
> I can't seem to find a source for the recipe discribed in the SILK MOTH
> REAERS HANDBOOK, they all need a phd or letterhead from a fortune 500.
> What is wessons salt, (ingredients). Are their any alternate chemicals
> (such as potassium nitrate) that might be substituted without drawing
> heat from the anti bomb squad.
> thanks 
> Bill

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