Vanessa atalanta in winter
Jaakko B Kullberg
jkullber at
Fri Nov 20 07:58:25 EST 1998
Morten Dewald Drøgemüller Hansen <dd at> wrote:
: Hi LEPS-netters
: The last red admiral in Denmark was spotted on November 12th on a clear,
: sunny day. It was a very poor year for red admirals despite the huge
: immigration in June, probably due to the extremely cold summer weather.
: Now we can only wait for next year's immigration.
I spotted the last one in SW archipelago of Finland in 25.10., sunny & 12C.
Total number of admirals in this locality was about 30 000 specimens
during September into 30 bait traps, during 1.-25.10. less than hundred.
In 25. Oct. there was still 3 specimens sitting in the funnel part of
the trap. In the beginning of Nov. winter and frost wiped off definately
In an island 5 km S to Hanko peninsula the number was even higher 40 000 exx
into 20 traps in September and about 500 during October. Also one cardui
in 1.-16.10. & 1 ex 17.10.-...
Some summer species appear in late autumn:
Acronicta megacephala, Notodonta dromedarius 17.10.-16.11. & Noctua
janthina f., Stenoptilia bipunctidactyla in 25.10. & Coenonympha
pamphilus in 1.10.
Jaakko Kullberg, M. Sc. (Biology)
Collection Manager
Finnish Museum of Natural History
Division of Entomology, P.O.Box 17
FIN-00014 University of Helsinki
Phone: 358-9-191 7425
FAX: 358-9-191 7443
e-mail: jaakko.kullberg at
jkullber at
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