Creation of newsgroup uk.rec.lepidoptera
Neil Jones
Neil at
Sun Nov 22 17:42:03 EST 1998
In article <36587d50.2890002 at> (oli) "oli" writes:
I am agaist the creation of the new group
and I am cross posting this to
There are a number of problems.
1. There are not sufficient people to keep a uk only group
2. The group should not be in the the uk.rec hierarchy but I believe
in a sci one
3. Just to point out to those that don't know there is already a group
4. It will cause problems should people try to cross post.
S.b.e.l. is gated with leps-l a list server this will cause
problems when people reply to cross posted messages.
5. s.b.e.l. does not have a massive volume but the reason that it works
is because of the gating with leps-L many keen people like myself
are actually on leps-l not s.b.e.l . I regularly talk with many lepidopterists
and many of them can cope with email but do not use usenet.
For those on the Uk group you can read the comments from Leps-l Sbel below.
> I agree wholeheartedy with Mark!...too many groups make for too few
> posts....this is already a very slow group as it is!
> MWalker at (Mark Walker)
> >
> >While I think that this would be an awesome service for UK and European
> >lepidopterists and enthusiasts, it would sadly probably lower the activity
> >that we have on LEPS-L. As most are aware, there are quiet times when those
> >faithful posters from the British Isles are the only ones contributing. I,
> >for one, would be disappointed if they were to depart to their own
> >discussion group.
> >
> >Not that there can't be two or more. Just a plea for the maintaining of a
> >united, completely international forum for the discussion of lepidoptera
> >(O.K., preferably in English, ethnocentrically speaking).
> >
> >Mark Walker.
> >
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: ian john waller [SMTP:ian at]
> >> Sent: Friday, November 20, 1998 9:07 AM
> >> To: leps-l at
> >> Subject: Creation of newsgroup uk.rec.lepidoptera
> >>
> >>
> >> Graham has posted at a request for discussion (RFD)
> >> for the creation of newsgroup uk.rec.lepidoptera.
> >> Since its chance of succeeding appears to depend upon the amount of
> >> support the proposal receives, if you feel you could offer your support,
> >> please post a note to that effect (and any other comments) to
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> ian john waller
Neil Jones- Neil at
"At some point I had to stand up and be counted. Who speaks for the
butterflies?" Andrew Lees - The quotation on his memorial at Crymlyn Bog
National Nature Reserve
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