Disintegrating Leps-L

Doug Dawn ddawn at nl1.telmex.net.mx
Tue Nov 24 15:04:08 EST 1998

Roger C. KENDRICK wrote:

>>EVERYTHING happens at the local scale, so the wider
>>implication is totally dependent on one's viewpoint.

Roger's point is well made - IMHO, why should the UK be a special case, because it
is an island(s)?  Or how about European group?  When Scotland and Wales become more
independent next year, should new lists be created? Wouldn't the same logic will
argue for a disintegration of Leps-L into regional groups around the world?  Well
it's basically a free world...we all do what we want...but here is an opportunity
to strengthen international unity.  Specifically, we are all shareholders in Leps-L
and have every right to be concerned about the loss of quality contributions - and
no matter how small - all constructive contributions are quality.

Why can't we all work together to improve Leps-L to be a product that satisfies all
of our needs - it is so easy to do that - instead of proliferating web places and
splitting apart databases - something I feel which will definitely be a step in the
wrong direction.  KISS (Keep it simple and sensitive).

If we really wanted to separate the list, wouldn't it be better to keep it
worldwide and create something resembling:

1) Concise list Sightings, records
2) Field and indoor techniques, identifications
3) Regulations, collecting debates, politics
4) Philosophy, adventures, stories, ramblings

Now I really hope we don't do that, but it would personally be a lot more helpful
for me to filter the mail and I bet encourage currently shy posters.

So the volume from the US is high and the gringos tend to "dominate" - that was a
complaint.  I bet it would surprise many to realize that 85% of Mexico is in North
America and 70% of the North American butterflies don't occur in Canada and the
US.  So why not turn up the volume from your location instead of proposing to drain
our Leps-L?

And if you really prefer to be exclusive (vs. shy), you certainly can create mail
groups in your e-mail program to deal with regions.  But please refrain...most of
us are interested in what you have to say.

Finally, isn't it a bit like treason for members to use Leps-L to suck posting from
it?  Do what you want, but I encourage all members to be loyal.  Take that Benedict

Monterrey, Mexico
Douglas David Dawn
The tallest flagpole in the UK is from America?:
N.  25º 37.408'
W. 100º 22.003'
Altitude 910 meters
Sylvania Pinus-Quercus

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