2nd RFD for uk.rec.lepidoptera

Peter Parry peter at wppltd.demon.co.uk
Mon Nov 30 11:57:56 EST 1998

On Mon, 30 Nov 1998 15:12:57 GMT, triocomp at dial.pipex.com (Chris
Raper) wrote:

>The problem with this argument is that many users of SBEL do not have
>any access to Usenet. This is because they use systems provided by
>their employers or universities who block Usenet access. 

This point has been raised several times but I'm a bit puzzled as to
why it is only a problem for for Lepidopterists (is that name right?)
and not raised about many other news groups who I would expect to
have a similar or higher concentration of university or corporate
readers than here.  The only other time I've seen it mentioned in a
couple of years is in connection with the waterways group for quite
different reasons.

Even though direct newsgroup access may be restricted indirect via
the likes of Deja News on the WWW should be possible.

Whats different about the potential users of this group?

Can anyone quantify the scale of this problem?

Peter Parry.   01442 212597   0973 269132  fax 01442 233169

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