Hydriomena ruberata

mothman mothman at nbnet.nb.ca
Mon Nov 30 18:30:30 EST 1998

    Hydriomena ruberata is also found in North America. It ranges from
Newfoundland on the Atlantic coast all the way across to the Pacific. I have
collected it in Fundy National Park in SE New Brunswick, Canada and this
certainly fits into your "cold and humid" place. However, it is also found
in  central New York (the state!) which from past memories is far from cold.
This species can obviously tolerate both cold and very warm habitats.

Bernhard wrote:
> If this localities are cold and
>humide places, my theory of the species "habitat linkage" and
>distribution would be right.
>Thank you for reading and I hope you have got some facts to the
>distribution of Hydriomena ruberata.

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