Puerto Vallarta Trip Report Addendum

Wanda Dameron be496 at lafn.org
Mon Nov 30 20:40:48 EST 1998

My sincere deepest public apologies to Andy Warren as he notified me it
is etiquette to reference his Skipper List even when casually sharing
butterflies seen in a newsletter or a conversation line.  

Andrew D. Warren certainly did a great deal of work in putting together
the "Hesperioidea (Lepidoptera)," in: Biodiversidad, Taxonomia y
Biogeografia de Artropodos de Mexico: Hacia una Sintesis de su
Conocimiento, Segunda Edicion.  J.E. Llorente Bousquets, E. Gonzalez
Soriano, A.N. Garcia Aldrete, & N. Papavero (Eds.) Instituto de
Biologia, U.N.A.M. & CONABIO (Mexico City) Publication date: 1 July,

You should know too that I had a prepublication copy of his article on
Mismaloya, Jalisco, Mexico that had a more complete species listing than
that published in "American Butterflies"  Winter 1997, p.4-12.  

The listing offered by Flutterby Press will have his most recent

Somehow my signature block did not get on the original posting either.
Again, my apologies.....

Wanda Dameron
be496 at lafn.org	
LANABA, Lorquin, ATL, Xerces, Lep Soc.				
Flutterby Press
Los Angeles, Calif.

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