Never Mind!! / butterfly Scientific Names online

Rob Hilton robert at
Tue Oct 6 12:21:36 EDT 1998

At 11:43 AM 10/6/98 -0400, Alex wrote:
>Rob, share it with the rest of us.

Ok, Alex, 

this is the N. Am. Butterfly Association list of names--

It is an electronic copy of just the names including typo corrections to
the out of print _Checklist & English Names of North American Butterflies_

And, courtesy of lepslister Mark Walker,

This one could take days!  It has county and state checklists, state and
national maps, photographs, references, and more.  Thanks Mark!!


Rob (Robert) Hilton--robert at, Maryland, USA

Lal Waterson 1943-1998
"and you wonder why when your heart has died that your feet go stumbling on"

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