Monarchs and Snouts in Texas

Rob Hilton robert at
Fri Oct 9 08:16:26 EDT 1998


I snipped this from Chuck Sexton's archived post to TEXBIRDS (I think is
the name of the list).  He was at Balcones, central Texas, on Thursday,
Oct. 8, 1998.  I thought people on this list might be interested.  Forgive
please if anyone else has posted similar information; if they did, I didn't
read the post.  

> Butterflies were literally going both directions.  Today was the first
> significant push of southbound Monarchs.  Hundreds today.  HOWEVER, the
> winds were light and for a while in late afternoon they switched around out
> of the South, and as if somebofy opened a floodgate, thousands and
> thousands of SNOUT BUTTERFLIES swarmed *northward*.  Windshield-splattering
> numbers.  A clash of migrations.



Rob (Robert) Hilton--robert at, Maryland, USA

Lal Waterson 1943-1998
"and you wonder why when your heart has died that your feet go stumbling on"

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