Chiomara asychis

Dale Clark nardoz at
Mon Oct 12 09:19:56 EDT 1998


Had a surprise visitor to my backyard last week.  On October 7th I
noticed an unusual skipper flying around the blooming frostweed
(Verbesina virginica) -- which, by the way is a wonderful fall nectar
plant.  At first glance I thought it was a Pyrgus communis (Common
Checkered Skipper) but upon closer inspection I saw that it was
something quite different -- a Chiomara asychis (White Patch Skipper). 
What makes this sighting unusual is that Chiomara asychis normally
doesn't come within 300 miles of Dallas, Texas, ranging much further
south.  I just love October in never know what you're going
to find.

Dale Clark
Dallas, Texas

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