Florida county records?

Patricia and Jeff Harding jmh at proaxis.com
Wed Oct 28 12:27:40 EST 1998

I have been comparing some butterflies I found in Florida (USA) in April
of 1996 with the county lists at the USGS web site "Butterflies of North
and there are some common species that that I found as a casual tourist
that don't appear on various county lists:
    Colias eurytheme (Orange sulphur) - Highlands County
    Nathalis iole (Dainty sulphur) - Osceola County
    Eurytides marcellus (Zebra swallowtail) - Marion County
    Ascia monuste (Great southern white) - Highlands County
    Atalopedes campestris (Sachem) - Osceola County
So what is the deal?  Is the checklist site less than 100% accurate, or
are you folks in Florida not taking the time to record and report the
more common butterflies?
Is anybody interested in my records?
Cheers, Jeff

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