Florida county records

Cehmoth cehmoth at aol.com
Thu Oct 29 23:27:31 EST 1998

Thanks for the notes on submission of county records.  I am collecting the data
for Schinia (Noctuidae) for all areas, though submission to the altas is
presently for western states.
Hardwick's Monograph has both aided and confounded some in identifying
specimens in private collections as well as those in institutions.  The county
'dots' posted so far are those posted from Jan. '98.   I understand the next
revision will be added after the first of the year.  This will include scanned
photos of most of the rest of the genus.  Anyone with data can continue to
contact me for more information on inclusion and identification of western
material.  Other groups will also be updated when Paul Opler is finished with
the revision of the Field Guide To the Western Butterflies project.  Until
then, records and locale data is still being collected.  
Chuck Harp
cehmoth at aol.com

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