Migrant Moths...Mexico...ID?

Bob Barber bob at vertigo.hsrl.rutgers.edu
Wed Oct 28 09:38:14 EST 1998

Thanks to all those who responded to my query on the moth ID.  It does
appear that the species is _Urania fulgens_ as suggested by Dr. Adams.  My
friend is having twenty rolls of film developed she took on the trip, and
hopefully some good ones of the moths.  I did find pictures of both _U.
leilus_ and _U. fulgens_ and posted them on a page for my friend to look
at.  If anyone is interested you can view them at
They are very similar.

Thanks again,

Bob Barber  bob at hsrl.rutgers.edu
Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences
Rutgers University
Haskin Shellfish Research Laboratory

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