
Bridget Becker bbecker at ipong.com
Tue Sep 8 16:43:32 EDT 1998

I'm new to this list. I'm not a scientist. I just love butterflies. In
response to
A lack of "empirical" evidence regarding the function of wings, they clearly
serve a purpose. Pollination, for one. I don't know of too many pollinating
creatures that don't have wings.
Perhaps they also serve as camouflage, looking like flower petals. Anyway, I
know one purpose served by butterfly wings. They add beauty to the world -
I'm sure there's no empirical evidence of that , either.

Bridget Becker
The iPONG Game Arcade
Bridget Becker
The iPONG Game Arcade

-----Original Message-----
From: John Grehan <jrg13 at psu.edu>
To: leps-l at lists.yale.edu <leps-l at lists.yale.edu>
Date: Tuesday, September 08, 1998 11:07 AM
Subject: Re: P.sennae

>Dave Bouton made the following statement
>wings help in escape and finding mates, their main purpose is to disperse
>the species -- spread it around --colonize greater and greater areas, put
>eggs in
> new places.
>Perhaps it seems too trivial, but I am not aware of any empirical evidence
>that it dispersal and colonization is the main purpose of butterfly wings
>(or that
>wings have any purpose at all).
> John Grehan

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