Butterfly help?

JTDS44 at aol.com JTDS44 at aol.com
Thu Sep 10 09:24:36 EDT 1998

Butterfly  Enthusiasts,

I need assistance if anyone has it to offer I would be grateful.   I live in
South Florida,  West Broward to be  more exact.  I am looking for White Vine
(Sarco Stemma Clausem) for Queen  and Soldier Butterflies. 

  Also would like to talk to people who live in my area who have  butterfly
garden  .  Am looking to attract various species and have larval food in my
yard without success.   Species nearby in local park  but not migrating to me.
Need a few larva to jumpstart a population.   No commercial dealers!!  ( Oh
parks don't permit collecting  species  tried that 10 times already).  


Ms. Thomas

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