I'm in trouble

Liz Day lday at iquest.net
Sat Sep 12 20:30:50 EDT 1998

> Secondly, if livestock sale and want postings are prohibited, does anybody
> out there know of a newsgroup that WILL accept lepidoptera livestock
> postings?

Of course - the Leps Livestock List.

To join, send email to:

majordomo at leach.nhm.ac.uk		

and in message body say:

subscribe leps-livestock-list

(if this is not the exact process, it's something very close)

To post to the list, email:

leps-livestock-list at leach.nhm.ac.uk		

The list is full of people yearning for caterpillars.  :-)

Liz Day   
LDAY at iquest.net 
Indianapolis, Indiana, central USA - 40 N latitude, zone 5b.

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