I'm in trouble
kendrick at hkusua.hku.hk
Mon Sep 14 12:46:47 EDT 1998
Barrie Harwood wrote:
> Well, they've finally caught up with me........I've just had an email from
> Roger Kendrick (who is he?), telling me I'm in violation of some great
> newsgroup regulation that prohibits the advertising for sale of livestock on
> this newsgroup.
> A coupl of questions....
> Firstly, why can't we have people advertising livestock on this newsgroup -
> after all, most of the postings are from genuinely interested amateurs, it's
> hardly high-brow intellectual scientific information is it?
> Secondly, if livestock sale and want postings are prohibited, does anybody
> out there know of a newsgroup that WILL accept lepidoptera livestock
> postings?
> Lastly, if anybody out there would like me to mail them personally when I
> have livestock for sale, please send me an email and I will add you to my
> mailing list
> Best wishes
> Barrie Harwood eMail: Barrie.Harwood at BTInternet.com
Hi Barrie,
> I'm in violation of some great newsgroup regulation that prohibits the advertising for sale of livestock on this newsgroup.
Since you have gone public on this, I thought I should let all the LEPS-L users
in on the original email I sent you:
> Barrie,
> There is the possibility that you are new to the LEPS-L listserver, because
> there have been plenty of postings about allowing selling livestock via this
> listserver in the past 18 months (always following frequent postings such as
> yours), so here are a couple of pointers. Strictly speaking, the charter
> (http://www.peabody.yale.edu/other/lepsl/SBEL.html) prohibits such adverts. If
> you need more info on this subject, may I suggest you check out the LEPS-L
> homepage (http://www.peabody.yale.edu/other/lepsl/). It is possible a more
> appropriate place to inform other net users about your livestock would be on
> the Butterfly WebBoard (http://mgfx.com/butterfly/entercon.htm), under the
> "Purchasing - livestock" conference.
> regards,
> Roger.
> > Barrie Harwood wrote:
> > Large quantity of Giant Atlas larvae for sale
> > Special Price - 30 larvae for £5.00 - postage £1.00 any quantity
> >
> > Please get in touch for price for larger quantities or for supply to non-UK
> > addresses!
> >
> > Foodplant: Privet, Lilac, Ailanthus, Plum, Willow, Sallow.
> >
> > Barrie Harwood
> > White Lodge
> > Charlton Musgrove
> > Wincanton
> > Somerset. BA9 8EZ
> >
> > eMail: Barrie.Harwood at BTInternet.com
> ________________________________________________
> Roger C. KENDRICK B.Sc.(Hons.)
> PhD student & Demonstrator, Dept of Ecology & Biodiversity
> The University of Hong Kong
> mailto:kendrick at hkusua.hku.hk
> http://web.hku.hk/~kendrick/hkmoth.htm « Hong Kong Moths »
> http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Canopy/1085/ « H.K. Lepidoptera Group »
> mail: Kadoorie Agricultural Research Centre
> The University of Hong Kong
> Lam Kam Road, Shek Kong,
> Yuen Long, New Territories
> Hong Kong
> fax: (852) 24885285
> =================================================
This was meant to be a pointer as to what LEPS-L is and isn't supposed to be
used for. If you felt offended by it, I send my apologies, for that was not
intended. Now as Eric / Pat Metzler pointed out in their reply,
> Or, you can do what
> sbsp at aol.com (SBSP)
> does and ignore the rules. They took a poll, and most members seemed
> indifferent to the rules. So they continue to advertise.
but it should be noted that SBSP now have only placed 2 ads in the last 2
months, compared to about one a week prior to their poll, which sparked this
debate in the first place. I guess (and I would appreciate being corrected by
those upstairs who run LEPS-L) the point of not allowing commercial stuff
onboard was to stop the group being clogged up with advertising (Some of us have
to pay for downloading / connection time). I'm not against breeding and selling
of leps, indeed I see it as a vital link in increasing public awareness of
lepidopteran conservation issues (such as demonstrated by the breeding of
Ornithoptera under controlled conditions in Papua New Guinea and the school
"kits" for rearing Painted Ladies) and of relieving pressure from wild collected
What my original e-mail also gave you was a source for advertising your leps, so
I had tried to give you an alternative. I'm grateful to Liz and Pierre for
bringing to our attention the existance of leps-livestock-list at leach.nhm.ac.uk.
This is clearly the place where all commercial livestock matters should be
posted. I was not previously aware of this site, although it's quite possible
it's been posted before on LEPS-L; maybe this site should be included in the
LEPS-L charter and reminders posted every once in a while, lest some of us
forget (guilty as charged!!).
I'm quite happy with the mix of "amateur" and more technical (usually posted by
"amateurs") material on LEPS-L and would like to keep it that way.
Your approach of a personal mailing list is also very sensible - it helps you
keep in touch with likely regular clients without offending those who don't want
anything to to with the leps trade. (please add me to your list).
One final thing:
> ........I've just had an email from
> Roger Kendrick (who is he?),
Well, since you asked, I tagged my reply e-mail with two websites you could
find out a little more about my activites from and what my current employment
and academic status is. For the record, I have a B.Sc. (Hons.) (University of
East Anglia) in Conservation Management and I've been recording butterflies for
18 years and moths for 8 years (in the UK, Hong Kong and a short stint in South
Africa) - almost all on a voluntary basis. I'm a life member of Butterfly
Conservation (a.k.a. the British Butterfly Conservation Society), the
Association for Tropical Lepidoptera and of the Royal Society for the Protection
of Birds. I also have membership of the British Entomological & Natural History
Society, WWF (Hong Kong), the Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, the Suffolk
Naturalists' Society and have assisted with moth recording for Warwickshire,
Suffolk, and Avon Moths Groups, the BENHS, three county/regional branches of
Butterfly Conservation, assisted at numerous County Shows, talks, .... oh, yes,
now I'm currently Hong Kong moth recorder, unofficial chair for (and a
co-founder of) the HK Lepidoptera Group (we have no elected posts as yet, no one
else wanted to take this post on!) and I'm doing a PhD on the zoogeography and
phenology of HK's moths.
Well, you did ask!
By the way, most LEPS-L subscribers have filled out a form for the Who's Who
section on the LEPS-L homepage.
Roger C. KENDRICK B.Sc.(Hons.)
PhD student & Demonstrator, Dept of Ecology & Biodiversity
The University of Hong Kong
mailto:kendrick at hkusua.hku.hk
http://web.hku.hk/~kendrick/hkmoth.htm « Hong Kong Moths »
http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Canopy/1085/ « H.K. Lepidoptera Group »
mail: Kadoorie Agricultural Research Centre
The University of Hong Kong
Lam Kam Road, Shek Kong,
Yuen Long, New Territories
Hong Kong
fax: (852) 24885285
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