ads for livestock
gordon.ramel at
Tue Sep 15 10:46:04 EDT 1998
Are the peole who want to post the adverts willing to pay to have their
adverts up. I am quite willing to set up a page with info about who has
what for sale as part of my website, (The Wonderful World of Insects)30
000+ visitors a month. But I would have to make a small charge to cover
the time taken to maintain it, still it would be less than the cost of
advertising in a magazine and a lot more readers, especially once people
knew it was there.
Yours Naturally
Gordon J. L. Ramel
<G.J.L.Ramel at or Gordon.Ramel at>
< Phone work = +44 (0)1837 82558 ext. 173>
< Fax work = +44 (0)1837 82139>
< c/of I.G.E.R. North Wyke, Devon, England. EX20 2SB.>
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