extirpation of butterflies by weeds

Michael Gochfeld gochfeld at eohsi.rutgers.edu
Tue Sep 15 12:00:14 EDT 1998

For the past six years I have been observing butterfly nectaring preferences with 
particular attention to Purple Loosestrife.  With almost no exceptions the only 
butterfly that regularly attends this plant is---Cabbage White (perhaps not 
surprising).  Our other European species, European Skipper, is gone before 
Loosestrife blooms (at least in our area).  

Has anyone identified other species using Loosestrife for nectar.  Even huge 
many-acre stands of Loosestrife have only a few Cabbage Whites, so even for them 
it is not a preferred nectar source. 

Name: Michael Gochfeld
E-mail: Michael Gochfeld <gochfeld at eohsi.rutgers.edu>
UMDNJ/RWJMS and EOHSI, Piscataway, NJ
Date: 09/15/98
Time: 11:00:15

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