Tenebrio molitor amylase

Denis LeBel dlebel at courrier.usherb.ca
Sun Sep 20 17:35:39 EDT 1998

I have a question about the cellular origin of the Tenebrio amylase. I
hope there is someone who knows about arthropod gastro-intestinal
physiology. If nobody could help me directly in this question, I would very
much appreciate a good reference book or the name of an entomologist that
could help me. Here are the questions:

1) Can amylase secretion of the mealworm gut cells be stimulated by a
neurohormonal transmitter of some sort?

2) Is amylase stocked inside gut cells in the form of granules for example,
ready to be secreted when starch has to be digested, in a similar way as the
mammalian pancreatic zymogen granule? The alternative would be secretion
without accumulation in the cell, immediately after biosynthesis. Then the
biosynthesis of amylase would be directly induced by the intake of starch,
resulting in an increased secretion.

Thanks to anyone with some clues.

Note: Please send me a copy of your answer via email.

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