FWD: Extinction and education

Mark Walker MWalker at gensym.com
Mon Sep 21 01:14:54 EDT 1998

	Kenelm wrote:.

> 	The second objection was to calling human activities 'not
> natural'. In one sense, Vaughn is perfectly correct--everything we are
> and do is 'natural' if you believe that humans are also the product of
> evolution. (A Creationist might be able to claim that beings made in the
> image of God are not 'natural' in the same sense as other animals are.)
	No, actually _they_ probably wouldn't.  Just part of creation.  In
fact, the biggest difference between humans and the rest of creation
according to Genesis is the issue of responsibility.  We are stewards of
creation - and doing a pretty crappy job ever since we decided to try it

	Mark Walker.

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