1999 Lepidopterists' Society meeting

Lawrence F. Gall lawrence.gall at yale.edu
Mon Sep 21 11:40:54 EDT 1998

Forwarding this message to the list on behalf of Paul Opler:


1999 Lepidopterists' Society Meeting
Next year's annual Lepidopterists' Society meeting will be held
jointly with the Pacific Slope Section at the Windemere Conference
Center and Hotel in Sierra Vista, Arizona from August 4-8.  Sierra
Vista is at 4,632 feet elevation ( about 1,500 meters) and is located
on the east slope of the Huachuca Mts. in Cochise County.  At this
elevation the temperatures are warm but not unbearable.  This is the
season when afteroon and evening thunderstorms may occur.  It is a few
hours drive from all of the "Sky Island" ranges where moth and
butterfly collecting, viewing, and photography is at its best at this
season.  These mountains include the Huachucas, Chiricahuas,
Patagonias, Santa Ritas, and Dragoons.  There is year to year
variation depending on the monsoon rains.  This is the richest area
for Lepidoptera in North America north of Mexico.
It is hoped that all attendees can stay at the Windemere where a
special rate of $68 + tax per room per night.  Up to 4 persons may
occupy a room at this rate, which also includes a full American
breakfast bar (the works) and free beverages and snacks at social hour
(5-7) each evening.  All meetings and presentations will take place at
the Windemere.  A rough schedule is as follows:
Wednesday, August 4th, field trips
Thursday, August 5th, Council meeting and field trips
Evening reception for attendees at Windemere, make your own sandwiches
and cash bar.
Friday, August 6th, Paper presentations during day, lunch on your own.
Photo salon, poster presentations, and commercial booths will take
place throughout meeting.  Southwestern Cookout in evening at Gammons
Gulch {Ghost Town movie set) featuring top sirloin and char-broiled
Saturday, August 7th, Paper presentations during day, lunch on your
own.  Annual banquet at Windemere featuring choice of Chicken Piccata
or Spinach Tortellini Marinara.  Followed by award presentations,
illustrated Presidential Address on Southwestern Moths by Michael
Smith and the Door Prize drawing.
Sunday, August 8th, Paper presentations and annual business meeting in
morning.  Meeting ends at noon.
Possibility of post-meeting trips will be explored.
Attendees may call the Windemere [1-800/825-4656] for reservations.
Please mention the Lepidopterists' Society to receive the special
For registration forms, pamphlets, and maps write to:  Paul Opler,
P.O.  Box 2662, Loveland, CO 80539-8921 [USA].
For those interested in organizing a symposium write to:  Michael
Smith, 1608 Presidio Way, Sacramento, CA 95661 [USA].
We hope to have forms for registration and paper presentations at a
later date both in the News and on the Society website.

: Lawrence F. Gall                   e-mail: lawrence.gall at yale.edu  :
: Computer Systems Office             voice: 1-203-432-9892          :
: Peabody Museum of Natural History     FAX: 1-203-432-9816          :
: P.O. Box 208118, Yale University     http://www.peabody.yale.edu   :
: New Haven, CT 06520-8118 USA                                       :

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