Killing butterflies

evoluhol at evoluhol at
Wed Sep 23 08:15:17 EDT 1998

In article <evoluhol-2309981250070001 at>,
evoluhol at wrote:

 Tonight it will freeze here.  The monarchs and sulphurs will survive if it
is not too intense,  but it will kill the last of the fritillaries and
swallowtails skippers and a number of other butterrlies clinging to the
undersides of leaves.  Though normal death for them during the brief
adult species dispersion phase of its life cycle, is usally in a beak,
mandibles, or at the end of a long tongue -- freeze death is natural for
many insects.
 Someone wanting to save samples of insects but stay away from "poisoning"
 or "crushing" may want to keep this in mind and put live butterflies into
envelopes in a dark place (see thread a few weeks ago on transporting live
butterflies) until returning to a nearby freezer location.


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