Eumorpha satellitia posticatus

Pierre Schmit pierre.schmit at
Tue Sep 29 03:21:04 EDT 1998

Tuttle wrote:
>I am searching for ANY and ALL published information on Eumorpha
>satellitia posticatus since the Rothschild & Jordan revision of 1903
>(except D'Abrera, 1986). Any leads would be greatly appreciated. Also
>has anyone reared this Caribbean critter or aware of unpublished life
>history information???
>Please respond directly rather than to the Newsgroup. Thanks

I think that this topic on 'Caribbean sphingids' could interest other
people on this list , in particularly me and it will be very kind of you
to forward to the list or me the direct replies you got in this topic .
As information , I have not found it during the last campain I made in
the Dominican Republic .
Best regards,

Pierre Schmit

pierre.schmit at

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