Monstrosity vs. cleaner butterfly wings

Mark Walker MWalker at
Fri Apr 2 16:17:29 EST 1999

Charles Gavette wrote:

>   Prayer to whom or what? The thread of experimental geometry was cut
> while
> Archimedes 'meditated' in the sand....god is also a noise in the street.
> To
> this I oppose (at the very least) something like Paracelsus' Anti-trinity
> of
> Drives. It is an alchemy that makes one hell of a lot more sense than
> falling into line with something like chrisitanity, whose sanctions have
> degraded human thought since the first millenium onward. It was and is the
> alchemists who have answered the call. It also answers the physicists'
> conundrum of the three quarks: up, down, and strange.
	Well, if you don't already know, I suspect you would reject any
honest, sincere plea from a jaded and imperfect sibling.  Take it from me or
ignore it, He's there, waiting with open arms, and not at all impressed with
human wisdom.  Especially that which seems to scoff at His existence.

>   Mark, you came very close in the allusion to fruit-of-the-loom
> underwear.
> It comes dangerously close to the use of that favorite neolithic priestly
> invention , resentment. I thank the cosmos for 23 years of non-wedded
> heterosexual bliss, and at the same time, while not having gotten myself
> caught within the other trap of a homoerotic frenzy, I am quite capable of
> seeing how resentment works.
	I'm not sure what Fruit-of-the-Looms have to do with resentment.  I
resent a lot of things, but none of them have anything to do with this
discussion.  I resent Ensign Hatcher, the Naval Academy graduate who had me
busted and fined for calling him a "pain in the butt".  I have no idea what
sort of underwear he may have been wearing.  I resent the 2nd grade teacher
who held a trial using 2nd graders as jury, and who through a process of
elimination, wrongly came to the conclusion that I was the kid who threw the
sand in the urinals of the boys bathroom.  Surprisingly, underwear had
nothing to do with this failure of justice.  I also resent the Vermont State
Trooper who nearly arrested me for arguing his decision to write two
speeding tickets - one each for my wife and myself, who were driving two
cars.  In this case, I was wrong - but I resent him anyway.

>   More interestingly, with the fossil fuel model we have the vision of
> perversity gone subversive. If it is true that perversity is an event of
> surfaces (the massage, driving a car), then all of this scurrying across
> the
> surface of the planet was at the beginning, only children experimenting
> with
> new toys. But it turns itself into subeversion, when the toys become a
> necessity of life and begin to kill what it was supposed to support.
> Whacked. Fossil fuel has feminized the earth, made it softer, more
> accesible, to the point where we feel threatened to even let the thought
> of
> taking the bus cross our mind. But there's something nice about getting on
> the bus and knowing things that others don't. A psychic swamp, populated
> by
> the integration of machines that further feminize. Crouched like a frog,
> ego-tripping in my new shiny fossil-fuel burner, "I am sure that I can
> conquer this beast." See the cartoon in an early Mother Earth News: The
> girl
> is setting in traffic with her new low. sleek and racy car, while we see
> in
> the distance the city that she must get to to help make the paynments on
> it.
> The billboard along this road has an advertisement for the same car that
> she
> is driving, the caption reads..."Are You Man Enough?" This overcoding
> towards femininity, this slouch toward Gomorrah, is opposed to the
> masculine
> that husbands the earth, the intergration of anima/animus in both genders.
>   Fossil-fuel consumption also has its negative masculine, its patriarchal
> side that creates deserts by thinking that it is subduing nature. And the
> sad fact is that it is succeeding, paradoxically by feminizing the
> masculine
> nature in man, killing creativity and the very environment that supports
> all
> of us.
	I can't speak to the feminization of the earth, as I'm not sure
where to look for the private parts (I'm not very good with butterflies,
either).  I still say that all of this talk does nothing.  Riding the bus is
a good idea, but it's not going to stop the process.

	Mark Walker

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