quino checkerspot

Laurel Godley godley at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 2 18:10:32 EST 1999

Follow up on the recent interest on this list regarding the quino 
checkerspot (euphydryas editha quino); A short article appeared in 
today's copy of the Fremont, CA "Argus" newspaper.  It's likely a 
reprint of one that appeared in southern, CA recently.   

I'll look into scanning the article over the weekend and will be happy 
to forward it as an attachment to anybody who is interested.

Interestingly enough, the article says the 7-8 week season for this 
butterfly is nearing it's end.  Northern, CA resident that I am, I was 
surprised to hear this.  Can anyone (Wanda, Mark, others...) confirm 
this please?

I know San Diego is seasonally ahead but I didn't realise by that much!  
I'll have to inquire about the season for the edith's bay checkerspot 
here in San Jose.  The chalcedon checkerspot caterpillars (if they are 
any indication) wheren't seen until May last year.  These caterpillars 
winter over at 3rd instars, so this was stillthe previous year's 
caterpillar brood.  Pupation and butterflies didn't occur until June. 

Best Wishes...  Laurel  

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