Colorado early butterflies

Danfosha at Danfosha at
Tue Apr 6 19:52:37 EDT 1999

In southeastern Colorado, near the Oklahoma border (Carrizo Canyon - Comanche 
National Grassland) I saw four mourning cloaks back on March 26th. They would 
perch on dried stalks of some forbs (I couldn't ID them) with their wings 
folded up. Then would move to a rock or exposed tree trunk, and seemingly sun 
themselves with their wings open. They were by a perennial stream in a 
sheltered area where the shortgrass plains meets an extension of the  
Colorado rockies.
	I also saw two more mourning cloaks in an urban park near the 
Arkansas river (3/27), about 40 miles from the Kansas border. (Willow Creek - 
	Finally, a cabbage white (4/3) at my home in Colorado Springs.

Dan Fosha

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