
Mark Walker MWalker at
Tue Apr 6 20:45:35 EDT 1999

Anne Kilmer wrote:


> Habitat restoration is mind-bogglingly complex. Many thousands of us are
> bumbling about inventing it in Palm Beach County alone, hoping that what
> we do is the right thing, bulldozing one habitat to create another one
> ... putting purple martin houses in the middle of the butterfly garden
> (I am not making this up) 
	Well, I suppose the whole point here was that if we are not to
simply go away all together (which I know no one who is genuinely
advocating), then attempting an eco-friendly labor is better than our usual
thoughtless raping.  Muck we will, anyway, so why not give it our best?

	Incidentally, if we were to be wholly true to our convictions, then
_habitat_restoration_ should be as simple as scraping all human perturbation
from a parcel, and then leaving it alone for about 250 years.  The
butterflies would return, but lo, without humans around to poeticize them,
they might be treated by the rest of creation as merely bugs.


	Mark Walker.
	Here in Fairfax, VA.  

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