Introduction of Black Hairstreak

Ian Thirlwell Ian at
Wed Apr 7 14:48:55 EDT 1999

Nigel wrote in message <01be7f88$988fe700$17e11ac3 at e5q5n1>...
>Oh come on! Dream on do you live on the same planet as the rest of us!

I'll ignore that.

>sort of platform are you standing on!

As an amateur general naturalist - birds, plants, leps etc

>Please give me your discription of
>what other species (given your comprehensive understanding of the issue)
>are now having to compete?

I don't claim a comprehensive understanding of the issue, but Emmet in
"Field Guide to the Smaller Lepidoptera" lists 39 species using blackthorn
as a foodplant, some of these presumably present in "your" wood.

>Get a life and start to do something positive
>about butterfly protection instead of the usual "pontification" from you
>lot that talks a lot and acheives nothing?

I've got a great life, belong to Butterfly Conservation (actively), and get
in plenty of field work (not just leps). If you took my previous message to
pontification then I'm sorry; I thought I was just asking some simple

>It's people like you that is
>responsible for drastically reducing the AES (Amateur Entomologists
>Society) membership when then ELG (Entomological Lifestock Group) prospers
>at your expense! Keep this public I am keen to see how you answer this one!

I do not see the connection between "people like me" (who are they?) and a
reduced AES
membership (but then perhaps I'm thick). I've got no particular gripe with
ELG (truthfully I didn't know it existed until now), but I feel that
unmonitored, unreported releases, whether of rarities or others, only
the efforts of those trying to conserve and assess populations in a more

BTW I tried to reply to your e-mail address originally, but the message got
bounced back by your server.


Thanks Chris & Niklas for your comments too.


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