D. fagella

Alan5319 at aol.com Alan5319 at aol.com
Wed Apr 7 15:56:28 EDT 1999

Thanks for you comments, Ian.

	Orthosia is still showing well here. If you are seeing Gothica, we 
would be very interested in the comparative numbers of the grey/brown vs the 
reddish form and a general description of food plants available in your area; 
our rufous forms tend to fly in the "frozen North". We would like to 
understand the similarities, or otherwise. 

	Your comments regarding release and passing on information of the 
release are much appreciated. In most County lists some species are described 
as "possibly locally bred." It is very important that any "tampering " with 
the ecology is well documented.  Do it, advisedly, but document it and ensure 
that your recorders are aware of it.

	Of general interest;  last night we had our first Eriocrania 
semipurpurella of the year. We have also had a good show of the Pine Beauty 
Panolis flammea, which could, in time, become some cause for concern. 	

Alan & Jeri Coates

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