Early UK butterflies too
D.P.Howson at Bradford.ac.uk
Sat Apr 10 04:43:51 EDT 1999
Here in Ilkley West Yorkshire we have seen most of the same hibernators as Simon, ie
Peacock Inachis io
Small tortoiseshell Aglais urticae
Comma Polygonia c-album,
And yesterdays occasional sunshine brought the first of the new generations. This was very early for us.
Orange tip Anthocharis cardamines
My son in Bridgnorth Shropshire has been reporting for the last week many
Holly blue Celastrina argiolus.
-----Original Message-----
From: Simon Coombes [SMTP:simonc at captain.ndirect.co.uk]
Sent: 09 April 1999 20:59
To: Mail for LEPS-L
Subject: Early UK butterflies too
<< File: ATT00000.html >> Hi
Some species tempted out by the warm weather down in Devon today;
The usual four hibernators;
Peacock Inachis io
Small tortoiseshell Aglais urticae
Comma Polygonia c-album
Brimstone Gonepteryx rhamni
plus four of this years new generation;
Orange tip Anthocharis cardamines
Holly blue Celastrina argiolus (loads of these all over the place)
Small white Pieris rapae
Speckled wood Pararge aegeria.
Really nice to be out. Actually got a decent photo of the Small white, at last! Brimstones came out green though :(
Simon Coombes
1 Park Street
Tel 01752 607854
Email: simonc at captain.ndirect.co.uk
Web: Captain's European Butterfly guide
Currently featuring 102 species.
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