Butterflies appendages

Esther Cornelius JayAndEstherC at webtv.net
Sun Apr 11 03:10:22 EDT 1999

Noles: I didn't see the program but I think his reference to feet was a
metaphor. But if youre lookng for convoluted meanings, you'll be glad to
know that butterflies taste through their feet, feed through their nose,
hear through their legs, fly with modified gill covers, and breathe
through a mechanism which has no vertebrate equivalent. The neat part is
the butterflies don't care & it still works! 

Recient scientific research indicates that butterflies don't talk, so
any names they mght have had for these structures have to be expressed
in pherenome, which may convey the most poignant emotions but, as a
language, is not technical and thus is mostly limited to rumor and
enuendo. I offer this as proof that butterflies don't know their ear
from their elbow. 

any takers? (hah! I didn't think so)
Hope this helps  ;o)

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