Butterfly Town, CA

Doug Dawn ddawn at nl1.telmex.net.mx
Mon Apr 12 12:15:03 EDT 1999

Overcast and wet yesterday.  Pebble Beach, Monterey Peninsula, CALIFORNIA.  Six
Monarchs.  They're still a few there.  Must be "La Nina".

Mark Walker wrote:

> Beautiful location.  San Bernardino Co., CA.  High desert meets the San
> Bernardino mountains.  Too bad there were no butterflies to be seen
> anywhere.  I trekked all the way to just below the snow line, which has been
> plentiful the past few weeks.  Weather was wonderful, although a bit chilly
> (it didn't get above 60 degrees F).  I didn't see a thing flying, except for
> a few bees.
> Even with all of the precipitation we've had the past few weeks, the desert
> still seems to be extremely dormant.  Too bad.  You just know it's going to
> heat up soon - like 120 degrees F.
> Sorry for the non-information, but then again no data is data after all.
> Mark Walker
> back in SoCal

Douglas David Dawn
Dawn Photo
N.  25º 37.408'
W. 100º 22.003'
Altitude 910 meters
Sylvania Pinus-Quercus

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