Who killed cock robin (and the moths)?

Jonathan Sylvestre Jonathan.Sylvestre at residences.ulaval.ca
Wed Apr 14 22:59:47 EDT 1999

I said
> >If you use a poison trap to catch one or two species, its completly
> >In that case, you will kill lots of insects for nothing.

You said
> Death in the insect world appears to be usually "for nothing".

I think I did not use the good word "nothing". In any case, death have no
reason. I wanted to mean that if we can do our part, a very small part, we
should kill insect (or other animals and plants) only for a good reason. I
mean that if a single person kill tons of insect for his collection, it will
have no major impact. But if everyone do this, the impact will be bigger.

I said
> You should use a
> >poison trap if you need a great number of species. Also, if you kill a
> >number of insect for science, for a study.... maybe for help insects in
> >future, its ok.

You said
> Really?

You don't agree ???? We need to kill an insect if we want to get his DNA for

I said
> >When we drive a car, we kill lots of insects. But we don't drive the car
> >kill insects, we drive for travel.

You said
> So accidental slaughter is ok. Hope the insects feel that way too.

I never saw someone taking a car ride specially for killing insects !!!

I said
> > We can't stop driving car, of course,

You said
> there is no "of course" about it.

Do you have a suggestion to replace cars?? Yes, hydrogene cars, electric
cars.... The problem is not the cars, the problem is that there are too many
people -> too many cars...

I said
>  but I think we should reduce our car
> >use. It will reduce insect road killing and also air pollution...

you said
> It seems to me that this action would be insignificant. If those in the
> are correct, we are going to lose half of all existing species through
> habitat destruction. Once these species are oine it won't matter to
> them what we drive or how much.

Finally, you are not agree with any of the things i said...
«Insignificant action» is better than nothing !!!!!
Adding lots of «insignificant action»(like you called it)  will someday have
an impact......
I know how terrible is the destruction of our planet... Don't remember it
please !

Jonathan Sylvestre
Home Page : http://fly.to/lepidoptera/
"Butterflies and Moths of Quebec"

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