Who killed cock robin (and the moths)?

John Grehan jrg13 at psu.edu
Wed Apr 14 20:15:18 EDT 1999

At 03:52 PM 4/14/99 GMT, you wrote:
>Killing for eating is essential...   Killing without knowing, is not a good
>thing, but acceptable. But killing by choice, its inacceptable.

This may be your personal moral philosophy, but the fact that you
hold it does not mean that it is necessarily a transendental truth.
>If you use a poison trap to catch one or two species, its completly stupid.
>In that case, you will kill lots of insects for nothing. 

Death in the insect world appears to be usually "for nothing".

You should use a
>poison trap if you need a great number of species. Also, if you kill a great
>number of insect for science, for a study.... maybe for help insects in
>future, its ok.


>When we drive a car, we kill lots of insects. But we don't drive the car FOR
>kill insects, we drive for travel.

So accidental slaughter is ok. Hope the insects feel that way too.

 IM asking myself how much insect are
>killed by road in one year on the earth.... How many butterflies... :

What about an ant, or proturan.....? How about thinking of other 
insects (not to mention all the mammals, brids, frogs, lizards etc.)

> We can't stop driving car, of course,

there is no "of course" about it. 

 but I think we should reduce our car
>use. It will reduce insect road killing and also air pollution...

It seems to me that this action would be insignificant. If those in the game
are correct, we are going to lose half of all existing species through
habitat destruction. Once these species are oine it won't matter to
them what we drive or how much.

John Grehan

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