non-target trap kills

Jonathan Sylvestre Jonathan.Sylvestre at
Wed Apr 14 11:52:04 EDT 1999

Killing for eating is essential...   Killing without knowing, is not a good
thing, but acceptable. But killing by choice, its inacceptable.

If you use a poison trap to catch one or two species, its completly stupid.
In that case, you will kill lots of insects for nothing. You should use a
poison trap if you need a great number of species. Also, if you kill a great
number of insect for science, for a study.... maybe for help insects in
future, its ok.

When we drive a car, we kill lots of insects. But we don't drive the car FOR
kill insects, we drive for travel. IM asking myself how much insect are
killed by road in one year on the earth.... How many butterflies... :
 We can't stop driving car, of course, but I think we should reduce our car
use. It will reduce insect road killing and also air pollution...

John Grehan <jrg13 at> a écrit dans le message : at
> >Good grief - is this the dark ages? I cannot believe that there are still
> >entomologists out there who feel they have to kill every insect to study
> >
> >Barrie
> If you are so concerned about indiscriminate killing I suggest you stop
> travelling in vehicles (kill plenty on the move), and stop eating (even
> if you are vegetarian the harvesting of crops requires the sacrifice of
> more insects than you may count in a lifetime). In fact, the obly way to
> avoid indiscriminate killing of insects is to stop living yourself.
> The question of so-called
> indiscriminate killing appears to be a matter of individual judgement, but
> throwing stones at everyone else on that account?
> John Grehan

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