Vladimir Nabokov segment on NPR

Robert (Rob) Hilton robert at csa.com
Fri Apr 23 07:55:30 EDT 1999

Good morning LEPS-list folk (and others), 

In case anyone is interested:

On my way in to work this morning I heard a segment on Vladimir Nabokov (I
hope I spelled that right!) on the National Public Radio news program
Morning Edition.  The time was during the final 10 minutes (I believe; I
wasn't completely caffeinated in my clockless car) of the third (out of
four) half hour segments.  We here in Washington, DC will here this segment
again at about 9:20 am, since this show is rebroadcast in its entirety.  

Today is the 100th anniversary of Nabokov's birth.  The segment focused on
his literary achievments, but maybe 20% of it was about his Lepidoptera
interest.  It contained a quote from a piece from the Lepidopterists
Society news about tromping through western bogs, finding Bog Fritillary
and other butterflies, and also had an extract of an interview with his son
about the elder Nabokov's lepidoptera interest....Robert Pyle was also

The piece c/should be available on the
website....http://www.npr.org/programs/morning/  should work (I've never
gone hunting there though!) although this morning's show isn't loaded at
this time (8 am EDT).  


Rob Hilton
robert at csa.com
Washington, DC

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