Looking 4 Belize BF Participants

wanda be496 at lafn.org
Fri Apr 23 08:30:05 EDT 1999


	Are you available 21-28 May?  Around 250 species of beautiful, tropical
butterflies are expected!  I am signed up for a trip to southern Belize
with experienced lepidopterist Dr. John Shuey.  10 participants are
needed by 5/1 to make this trip a go.    We'll be staying 7 nights at
the Blue Creek Jungle Lodge--$844 for lodging, meals, travel from Belize

	For more info, contact IZE (International Zoological Expeditions)
800-548-5843 or ize2belize at aol.com

	It should be a fun trip!  Look forward to seeing you there...

					Cheers,  Wanda Dameron
						Los Angeles participant

PS:  Check out NABA's "American Butterflies" Spring 99 article by Shuey, 
"Butterflies in Southern Belize"......

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