Buckeyes Reach Northern Ontario

Donald A. Davis donald.davis at utoronto.ca
Tue Aug 3 16:01:18 EDT 1999

Forwarded by Don Davis, Toronto, ON:

Coincidentally, on Friday (July 23rd), Rob Foster and I saw a fresh
Buckeye on Tremblay Island (Lake Superior), south of St. Ignace Island,
Thunder Bay District, at 48*38'30", 88*04'20".

Also, on Wednesday (July 21st), while looking for Cicindela hirticollis
along the sand beaches at Shesheeb Bay on the Black Bay Peninsula (also
Thunder Bay Dist.), we found a single Pantala flavescens defending a
territory over a small beach pool. Unfortunately, I had only my
short-handled collapsible net and was unable to collect it.


Don Sutherland
Natural Heritage Zoologist
Ontario Natural Heritage Information Centre
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
300 Water St., 2nd Floor N.,
P.O. Box 7000
Peterborough, Ontario
K9J 8M5
P: 705-755-2161, F: 705-755-2168
don.sutherland at mnr.gov.on.ca <mailto:don.sutherland at mnr.gov.on.ca>

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