problems with pupae at the airport?

David Smith idleweed at
Wed Aug 4 16:06:59 EDT 1999

I also hate to get involved in this type of discussion but I don't quite
understand what it is you want (aside from the insults from both sides). It
sounds to me as if you want to be able to import anything you want, anytime
you want and do anything with whatever you import and also anybody else
should be able to do this and somehow the constitution of the US (I assume
that is what you mean) guarentees you this right. I'm sorry, but I have also
read the consttitution and I cannot find this right in there anywhere.
Please direct me to the proper passage
           Thanks   David Smith
Mike Soukup <mikayak at> wrote in message
news:37A85E01.63ED at
> I hate to re-ignite this thread, but I was unable to respond over the
> past few days.  First, as for "inflammatory comments", I think that
> Johns  statement:
>  " Mike's response is a powerful display of  ignorance combined with
> stupidity" is MUCH more inflammatory than anything I said.
> Second, there was no ignorance OR stupidity on MY part.  I realize that
> imported pests can cause havoc.  And, I know that Gypsy moths were
> brought in by a individual.  I ain't stupid.
> But, lets examine some facts here.  MOST runaway exotics were imported
> WITH PERMISSION by the USDA.  In fact, in many cases, it WAS thier idea.
> These are the same people who regulate me.  The second most prevalent
> cause of exotic introductions is commerce.  Zebra mussels, Noctua
> pronuba....they all "just got here"....didn't need any help from
> anybody.  And, I've reared Lasiocampids, I see how they hide.  How long
> would it have been before The Gypsy moth got here on it's own thru
> commerce?  And, once it was here, the same people who want to regulate
> me, in thier ignorance, started a MASSIVE spraying program which, not
> only extended the duration and destruction of Gypsy moth infestations
> (they tend to defoliate and move on....spraying decreased the population
> numbers which inhibited the defolition - so there was no reason to move
> on), it also destroyed native leps up and down the east coast.  Third,
> most species expand thier range due to some change in the environment -
> or due to the actions of some catalyst.  Birds carry plant seeds far
> from thier original homes and deposit them.  This is natures way.  How
> can ANYBODY as a mere human be so arrogant as to think THEY know what
> nature's plan is.  One of the reasons nature may have put humans here
> may have been to change the environment.  We don't know.  To try to hold
> the earth in environmental stasis is a stupid, foolish idea.  It's never
> been that way in the past, and it will never be that way in the future.
> Yet, we humans, have the unmitigated audacity to think we know better.
> And, even if I do agree that importing things and letting them run
> loose is "bad", why does this need to be done at the federal level?
> Does Alaska need the same restrictions as Hawaii....I don't think so.
> Yet, that is how it is done.  And, if you tried to get a permit to
> import a tropical species, say, Atlas moths, into Alaska - as a private
> citizen, it would, most likely, be turned down by Mr. Flanders at the
> USDA.  Are we afraid of Atlas moths...whose larvae die quickly at
> temperatures under 70°, are going to decimate the tundra....I don't
> think so.
> Last, looking back thru history, MOST great achievements were performed
> by INDIVIDUALS not groups or governments.  So, it would only stand to
> reason that individuals will be responsible for some of the foul ups
> (ie. Gypsy moths).  But, if you look at the forest, and not the trees,
> you would realize that our government and large businesses (with
> governments permission) have caused more environmental disasters in the
> past 20 years than the sum of all idividuals throughout history.  And,
> if you looked at the ratio of achievements / problems, I think the
> individual wins hands down.  Yet, you are willing to deny resources to
> the individual and place them in the hands of the government.  Not THAT
> is both ignorant and stupid.
> And, my real point of all of this NOT to argue the merits of
> importation or not.  As an American citizen, I read and re-read the
> constitution and federalist papers regularly.  It is my duty
> (John....when was the last time YOU read the constitution?).  And, the
> REGULATE ME.  Sure, congress may have passed unconstitutional laws and
> set up unconstitutional agencies.... And that is what I am complaining
> about.  The socialists have been incrementally destroying our
> constitution with help from an ignorant public....who want everything
> safe and cozy.  Well folks, wake up, Freedom is NOT safety.  In fact,
> they are diametrically opposed.
> I will now drop this subject forever (thank GOD!) and leave you with one
> of my favorite quotes:
> "Anyone who trades thier freedom for safety deserves neither".
> Enjoy
> --
> Mike Soukup
> mikayak at
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