Admirals and Painted Lady Names

RENE BOUTIN rboutin at
Thu Aug 12 21:40:14 EDT 1999

Chris J. Durden wrote:

> E.B. Ford in "Butterflies* (Collins New Nature Series, about 1949)
> gives some history of early common names used by the Aurelians, a
> group of London collectors in the 18'th century.
> As I recall, it was originally "THE RED ADMIRABLE" and "THE WHITE
> Nabokov may have had an aside on this in "Speak Memory".
> ..........Chris Durden
> At 07:14 7/08/99 -0700, you wrote:
> >>>>
>      Does anyone know the origin of the names "White and Red Admiral"
> and "Painted Lady" (Limenitis and Vanessa) in Britiain? I believe they
> are very old names. If you do know, a literature reference would be
> helpful. Thank
>      Cris Guppy
>      4627 Quesnel-Hydraulic Road
>      Quesnel, B.C. V2J 6P8
>      CANADA
>      (250) 747-1512 (h) 992-4490 (w)
>      E-mail: <mailto:cguppy at>cguppy at
> <<<<

The WHITE ADMIRAL was voted INSECT EMBLEM of Quebec last year.
update on the variegated fritillary I caught a month ago in my yard:
    I got 11 caterpillars on my violas, I didn`t think they were it, now
they are turning into chrysalis and from the picture in J.P.Laplante`s
book,this is it.I guess we will all know soon.
       Also I have been having a lot of success rearing:   P.Polyxenes

Aglais milberti

antiopa antiopa

paited ladies


red admiral



colias philodice

blindeyed sphinx




variegated fritillary
   the butterflies are still mating laying eggs and multiplying....

Venez voir mon site ...

 Rene Boutin
 33 St-Georges
 Chambly, Qc
 J3L 3J8
 Tel : (514)658-5252

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