Few butterflies this year

Joe Kunkel joe at bio.umass.edu
Sun Aug 15 20:20:20 EDT 1999


On my butterfly walk in Amherst MA, taken about 3x a week, so far this
year things have been similar to the past two years given the acceptable
differences which may be due to the precise mowing pattern that was
applied to some of the fields I walk through.  The peaks of population
during the spring and summer were somewhat different and composed of
somewhat different species but I can not say that this year is any
different from past here in western Massachusetts as of yet.  Of course
the year is not done yet.


I would be surprised if the states experiencing the severe droughts have
not been affected in Lep counts. Is NC one of the severe drought areas? 
How are other drought areas being affected?


"George B. Lutman" wrote:
> Being given the title "Butterfly Lady" at the N.C. Zoological Park, I am
> in a unique position to speak to visitors from many states.
> Visitors from MO, VA, GA, AL, and over all of NC note the reduced
> numbers of butterflies this year. The July 4th Ashe County (NC)
> butterfly count recorded no Painted Lady this year for the first time.
> 18 species of butterflies have been attracted to my own perennial patch
> and we have identified 8 woodland species. Yet, this year, we have seen
> very few, if any, of the butterflies common to our garden.
> Is this just a low count due to a natural cycling? I would appreciate
> any comments from readers about the low numbers of butterflies this
> year.
> Thanks,
> Loretta Lutman
> --
> gbl at atomic.net

Joseph G. Kunkel, Professor
Biology Department             joe at bio.umass.edu
University of Massachusetts    http://www.bio.umass.edu/biology/kunkel
Amherst MA 01003

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