editha article attachment

Laurel Godley godley at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 17 13:07:47 EDT 1999

Hello all,

For those of you interested, I've attached a text only copy of a recent 
article on Euphydryas editha bayensis that was in the San Jose Mercury News.

Also of great interest in the article was a small map (not included) of the 
current and historical locations of this butterfly.  Currently there are 
only five sites listed as having this butterfly.  Historically, there were 
an additional 18 including the well known Japser Ridge site at Stanford 
University.  I visited Jasper Ridge this spring/summer to view some e. 
chalcedona colonies.  Sure enough, upon hiking up to the serpentine ridge we 
were hard pressed to find any of the host plant among the foliage there.  
Perhaps next year I can get permission to visit the managed site at the 
City's Kirby Canyon Landfill.


in it's finally getting warm, San Jose, CA

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