Unidentified Insect - Please Help

PA V pav_70 at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 19 14:28:47 EDT 1999

Thank Mike.  You and and about 5 others have responded, saying the same 


----Original Message Follows----
From: Mike Soukup <mikayak at ix.netcom.com>
To: PAV_70 at hotmail.com
CC: leps-l at lists.yale.edu
Subject: Re: Unidentified Insect - Please Help
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 00:13:37 -0400
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>From mikayak at ix.netcom.com Wed Aug 18 21:19:31 1999
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Sounds like a "Velvet Ant"....which is really a hornet/wasp?   Nasty, nasty
sting I understand.  Other than that, I believe they are harmless and they 
beautiful to look at (wish I had 'em....but geez, I even like my "colony" of
Black Widow's on my house!!)

PVAN wrote:

 > Please excuse my ignorance on this subject, but I am not an etymologist.
 > Recently, I have noticed a very unusual insect on my property in Atlanta.
 > At least I have never seen an insect like this before.  It is "bright" 
 > with black stripes, and I spotted it coming out of a rather large hole
 > burrowed in the ground.  It resembles a very large ant.  I also noticed
 > about 10 or more of these insects flying around one area early one 
 > Does anyone know what this may be?  Can it sting?  Does this insect pose 
 > threat to my property like a termite, or carpenter beetle?  Please E-mail
 > your responses to me at this address.
 > Thanks In Advance,
 > Paris

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