moth id
Chris Conlan
conlan at
Wed Aug 25 15:33:25 EDT 1999
The Datura in the southwest is regularly used by Manduca sexta (tomato
hornworm) as a host. I have taken larvae on it many times. However, your
description just doesn't fit this larva very well. Without better info it
will be hard to say. Is what you are describing as a small iridescent spot
more like a small hole (the spiracle)?
>From: Rich and Lisa Flynn <rslflynn at>
>To: leps-l at
>Subject: moth id
>Date: Wed, Aug 25, 1999, 9:05 AM
>I found a large green catapillar eating my Datura (Jimson weed). I put it in
>an aquarium with the plant. It is now as large as my little finger, has a
>thin diagonal black strip with one small irridescent spot on each segment. It
>hasn't any protrusions. This morning it has burrowed into the gravel at the
>bottom of the aquarium. I have wedged some sticks it there. It doesn't fit
>the pictorals in my Audubon guide. Any ideas?
>Lisa Flynn
>PS I assume its a moth but don't know for sure.
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