Butterflies caught in spider web

Oscar Gutierrez romgut at hotmail.com
Sat Aug 28 18:52:19 EDT 1999

Near where I work there is a small pond that is surrounded by brush and 
wildflowers. I usually go and take a walk around the pond for lunch. The 
other day I came across a large spider web which had a monarch butterly 
struggling to escape. A large yellow and black spider was waiting patiently 
for the butterfly to stop struggling. As I got closer to the web I could see 
that a spicebush swallowtail had also been a victim of this web. Below the 
web was another spicebush swallowtail that had already been eaten and 
discarded. I had my camera with me and I was able to capture the scene. You 
can see the picture at:


Does anyone know what kind of spider this is? I watched the monarch 
vigorously flap its wings trying to escape but to no avail. I considered 
tearing the web and allowing the butterfly to escape but decided against it 
and allowed nature to take its course. After about twenty minutes the 
scenario did not change. The butterfly kept struggling and the spider just 
waited patiently.  I eventually had to go back to work.

After work I was curious as to what had happened and went back to where the 
web was expecting to see the monarch wrapped in silk. But when I arrived the 
monarch was gone and there was a hole in the web where the butterfly had 
been.  I assume the butterfly's effort finely gained it its freedom. I found 
it interesting to observe the small dramas that can play out everyday and 
are usually never witnessed.

You can check out some of my butterfly images at my website:



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