New Ontario Regulations for Lepidoptera
Anne Kilmer
viceroy at
Sun Aug 29 10:07:55 EDT 1999
These are excellent questions and I sympathize.
Meanwhile, might it help to give the larval host plants in your garden a
daily gentle rinsing with plain water when the corn is blooming? I
imagine the Bt pollen would rinse off?
As far as the four acres of brush, alas. But would DDT be better? Or
whatever organophosphate is our other choice?
Anne Kilmer
South Florida
J C Lucier wrote:
> Donald:
> I live in a very unique area of Essex county, within 7 miles of
> Point Pelee National Park. This is my second year of butterfly
> gardening. Behind our property, there is 4 acres of bush which
> support prickly ash, hop tree, sassafras and spicebush. I have
> record numbers of Swallowtail (Papilionidae).
> The Black Swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes) oviposit on fennel in my
> garden, and the Giant (Papilio cresphontes) on rue (ruta
> graveolens). However, this year I have noticed the larvae are not
> developing as well as they did last year.
> There is a field of BT corn next to our property. If the corn is
> harming the larvae, will the Ministry step in according to the new
> regulations? If I remove the larvae to a safe location, or take them
> in my house will I be subject to charges?
> Jacy
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